Artist , Entrepreneur – Ethniichic

–**–Her moment of Sankalpa–**–

Roshni says

“I was always passionate about art and wanted to pursue my passion, whichever possible way I could. Thanks to the defence background, I had been to nine states of India during my schooling & that had given me immense opportunities to learn about the various art forms of those areas. I have been blessed to understand the art of almost all states, though they were all on a superficial level while schooling. The break in the corporate life, after my kids, gave me ample time to take up my passion more seriously.
At a point of time in life, somewhere the passion was side-lined by corporate & family responsibilities. But the AHA moment I would describe was the day, at my house in my hometown, I found an old file which contained all my childhood paintings & drawings. That visual actually inspired me to take up the long lost passion. I started attending art classes where they taught specifically the traditional art forms. I started learning various techniques through YouTube and other online sources. And then it was all experiments, trial & errors etc. at home. When things started falling in place, & I found my products sellable, started thinking to give a name to my work & hence started my brand, EthniiChic. Somewhere within me, my love towards art and my career aspirations merged. That gave birth to EthniiChic.“

On obstacles / hurdles that she faced –

“The biggest challenge was to validate whether my idea will work. The next one was to understand what the customer really wants. I did at least 6-8 months of research and exhibition hoping to understand how and what works. I tried out various products in the 1st 6 months before finally coming to the current product set.

People trying to copy the designs were another issue that I have to constantly face.”

Roshni on Stree Sankalpa 

Women are natural multitaskers, but many do not realise this and shy away from following their dreams. Believe in yourself and don’t give up in the face of challenges. If you have the talent in you, no one can stop you from succeeding in achieving your dreams. Things fall in place gradually, but initially only pure dedication & hard work is the mantra for success. Perseverance is essential. It’s altogether a different feeling when you see the product taking shape as you had imagined in your thoughts.

Her dose of motivation

The appreciation from my customers and their repeat orders is the biggest motivation. The encouragement and support from my family is another big factor that keeps me going.

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